What is the watermelon?
Watermelon is a flowering plant with smooth green skin, red pulp, and watery juice. There are many seeds in the whole watermelon. We can call watermelon the “iconic fruit of summer”
Watermelons are sweet in taste with the highest quantity of water. It contains almost 90% of water. They are high in nutrients that are beneficial for our health.
Where they are usually found?
The origins of watermelon have been found in southern Africa and now we can get it from all over the world.
Nutritional information:
- Calories: 30
- Protein: 0.6 grams
- Carbs: 8 grams
- Fat: 0.2 grams
- Dietary Fiber: 0.4 grams
- Vitamin C: 25%
- Copper: 0%
- Folate: 1%
- Vitamin B6: 0%
- Vitamin A: 30%
- Vitamin E: 0%
- Vitamin B5: 0.22mg
- Vitamin K: 0%
- Niacin: 1%
- Potassium: 8%
- Riboflavin: 0%
- Manganese: 0.04mg
- Thiamine: 0%
- Magnesium: 2%
What are its benefits?
- Helpful for hydration
- Contains nutrients
- Prevention from cancer
- May improve heart health
- Lower inflammation
- Helpful in muscle soreness
- Helps indigestion
- Beneficial for skin
How to grow it?
- Take a ripped watermelon and cut it from the center with a sharp knife.
- Keep in mind that you don’t have to damage the seeds. You should be careful.
- The seeds of this fruit are small and black or slightly streaky brown in color. Then you have to remove the seeds from the red pulp.
- You can easily sow that seeds into the soil.
- Plant the seeds ½ to 1 inch deep and placing the seeds in groups to 4 feet apart.
- When seedlings are done then remove two and leave the best watermelon plant in each group.
- After few weeks your seeds begins to sprout.
How to Include It in Your Diet?
- Spice it up
- Can be served with prosciutto
- Also used in salads
- Used as a juicy pops
- Used to make a smoothie
- Used as a frosty cocktail
- Can be used as topping on different items