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Information Blogs


What is sapodilla? The sapodilla is treasured in many tropical and subtropical climates, where it is consumed fresh, despite its lack of commercial importance in any part of the world. Some Mayan ruins still have elaborately carved sapodilla wood lintels that are over 1,000 years old. The sapodilla tree is a medium-sized, slow-growing planted species. …

Information Blogs

Rhubarb | Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

What is Rhubarb? Rhubarb is a reddish stalked vegetable with a tart taste. Rhubarb has been used for both culinary and medical purposes. This refers to the fleshy, edible stalks (petioles) of Rheum species and hybrids (culinary rhubarb) of the Polygonaceae family, which are cooked and eaten. It refers to the entire plant, which is …

Information Blogs


What are Raspberries? Raspberries are the edible fruit of a rose family plant species. There are many different sorts of raspberries, such as black, purple, and golden, but the red raspberry, or Rubus idaeus, is the most popular. These delicious, tart berries have a limited shelf life and are only collected in the summer and …

Pomegranate Fruit
Information Blogs

Pomegranate Fruit | Benefits Of Pomegranate juice

What is Pomegranate fruit? The pomegranate fruit (Punica granatum) is a deciduous shrub that bears fruit and belongs to the Lythraceae family. Pomegranates appear to be a frightening fruit. However, piercing the tough skin to reach the delicious, ruby-red seeds is worthwhile because they have numerous health advantages. The jewel-like arils housed inside the leathery …
