How to treat stomach ache home remedies?
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How to treat stomach ache home remedies

Stomach ache home remedies

“Stomach ache” What is painful stomach ache treatment with home remedies? After eating or drinking, everyone has stomach upset or stomach ache and indigestion, also known as dyspepsia. The stomach ache illness is typically not a reason for worry, and the symptoms of stomach ache may frequently be treated with home treatments. There are different stomach ache causes.

Reasons for stomach ache and Symptoms of indigestion and stomach upset include:

  • acid reflux, or heartburn
  • nausea
  • bloating
  • gas
  • belching, which might include bringing up bitter or foul-tasting liquid or food.
  • farting
  • Breath that smells unpleasant or is sour
  • coughing or hiccupping

Refraining from laying down

The acid in the stomach is more prone to flow backward and upward when the body is horizontal, causing heartburn.

For at least a few hours, those with a stomach upset should avoid lying down or going to bed. Pillows should be used to support up the head, neck, and upper chest of someone who has to lie down, ideally at a 30-degree angle.

Foods for painful stoamch ache


It is a popular natural treatment for indigestion and stomach ache.

Ginger includes compounds known as gingerols and shogaols, which can aid in the speeding up of stomach contractions. This may help to pass indigestion-causing meals through the stomach more rapidly.

Its compounds may also assist with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

If you have a painful stomach ache, consider putting ginger in your diet or drinking ginger tea. Some all-natural ginger ales may include enough ginger to calm a painful stomach ache treatment problem.


In addition to sweetening the breath, contains menthol, which may assist with:

avoiding nausea and vomiting

intestine muscle spasms are reduced

reducing stomach discomfort

Mint is a traditional remedy for indigestion, gas, and diarrhea in Iran, Pakistan, and India, according to researchers.

Both raw and cooked mint leaves are edible. Mint leaves and cardamom are traditionally boiled together to produce tea. It’s leaves can also be powdered or juiced and mixed with other teas, drinks, or meals. Mint leaves may be found at health food stores and on the internet.

Sucking on mint candies might be another approach to alleviate stomach discomfort.

Using a heating bag or taking a warm bath

Taking a warm bath may help to relieve the symptoms of stomach upset by relaxing tight muscles and easing indigestion. Applying a hot bag or pad to the stomach for 20 minutes or until it cools down may also be useful.

The BRAT diet is a low-carbohydrate

People with diarrhea may be advised to follow the BRAT diet by their doctors.

Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast (BRAT) is an acronym for Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast. Because these meals are all starchy, they can help bind things together, resulting in firmer stools. This may improve a person’s diarrhea by reducing the number of stools they pass.

These foods include no chemicals that irritate the stomach, esophagus, or intestines since they are bland. As a consequence, this diet can help to relieve tissue irritation caused by vomit acids.

Many items in the BRAT diet are high in minerals like potassium and magnesium, which can help to replenish those lost via diarrhea and vomiting.

Avoiding smoking and consuming alcoholic beverages

Smoking can irritate the esophagus, making stomach upset more likely. If a person has vomited, smoking might aggravate the delicate tissue that has already been irritated by stomach acids.

Alcohol is difficult to digest as a poison and can harm the liver and stomach walls.

Smoking and drinking alcohol should be avoided by those who have stomach upset until they feel better.

Avoiding meals that are difficult to digest

Some meals are more difficult to digest than others, increasing the likelihood of stomach upset. If you have an stomach upset, stay away from the following foods:

fried, fatty, creamy, salty, and highly preserved

Water, baking soda, and lime or lemon juice

According to several research, combining lime or lemon juice with a sprinkle of baking soda in water can help ease a range of stomach issues.

Carbonic acid is produced by this combination, which may aid in the reduction of gas and indigestion. It may also aid in the production of liver secretions and the motility of the intestines.

Lime or lemon juice’s acidity and other nutrients can aid in the digestion and absorption of lipids and alcohol while also neutralizing bile acids and lowering stomach acidity.

Most traditional recipes call for the following ingredients to be combined:

  • 1 tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice
  • baking soda, 1 teaspoon (tsp)
  • 8 oz. of pure water


It includes many antioxidants that may aid digestion and lower the risk of gastrointestinal discomfort and damage. It contains antioxidants such as:

  • eugenol \ cinnamaldehyde
  • linalool \camphor

Cinnamon also contains other compounds that may assist with gas, bloating, cramps, and burp. They may also help to decrease heartburn and indigestion by neutralizing stomach acidity.

Add 1 teaspoon of good-quality cinnamon powder or an inch of cinnamon stick to your meals if you have stomach upset. Alternatively, they may brew a tea with cinnamon and boiling water. This should be done two or three times a day to help with indigestion.


Cloves include compounds that may aid in the reduction of stomach gas and the enhancement of gastric secretions. This may help to speed up sluggish digestion, reducing pressure and cramps. Cloves may also aid in nausea and vomiting relief.

If you have stomach upset, combine 1 or 2 teaspoons crushed or powdered cloves with 1 teaspoon honey once a day before sleep. Instead, they may create a clove tea by combining the cloves with 8 oz. of boiling water, which they should sip gently once or twice a day for nausea and heartburn.


Cumin seeds contain active compounds that may aid in the following ways:

  • decreasing indigestion and stomach acid production
  • lowering the gas
  • functioning as an antibacterial and decreasing intestinal inflammation

If you have stomach upset, consider adding 1 or 2 teaspoons of ground or powdered cumin to your food. They may also prepare a tea by adding a few tablespoons of cumin seeds or powder to boiling water.

To relieve heartburn, several traditional medical systems recommend eating a pinch or two of raw cumin seeds or powder.


Figs include laxative properties that can help with constipation and promote regular bowel motions. In addition, figs contain chemicals that may assist with indigestion.

If you have stomach upset, eat entire fig fruits many times a day until your symptoms resolve. Alternatively, they might create a tea out of 1 or 2 teaspoons of fig leaves.

However, those who are suffering from diarrhea should avoid eating figs.

Aloe Vera juice

Aloe juice contains compounds that may give comfort by:

  • Excess stomach acid is reduced, which promotes healthy bowel motions and toxin elimination.
  • boosting the balance of gut microorganisms while increasing protein digestion
  • Inflammation reduction

Researchers discovered that drinking 10 milliliters (ml) of aloe juice daily for four weeks relieved the following symptoms of gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD):

acid and food regurgitation heartburn flatulence and belching nausea and vomiting.


Flavonoids, polyphenols, lactones, tannins, and resins found in yarrow flowers may aid to reduce the amount of acid produced by the stomach. They accomplish this by working on the vagus nerve, which is the major digestive nerve. The probability of heartburn and indigestion can be reduced by lowering stomach acid levels.

Young yarrow leaves can be eaten raw in a salad or cooked in a dish if you have a stomach upset.


Licorice root includes compounds that may decrease gastritis, or inflammation of the stomach lining, as well as peptic ulcer inflammation.

If you have a stomach upset, consider drinking licorice root tea several times a day until you feel better.


Spearmint, like mint, is used to treat a variety of digestive issues, including:

  • gaseousness, stomach cramps, and intestinal spasms
  • infections of the gastrointestinal tract
  • diarrhea

The most common approach for individuals to ingest spearmint is to drink prepared herbal teas that have spearmint as the main component. There is a plethora of such teas accessible on the internet.

Drinking spearmint teas many times a day until symptoms improve is typically harmless. Heartburn can be relieved by sucking on spearmint candies.


Plain rice is beneficial to those suffering from a variety of gastrointestinal ailments. It can assist by:

Because of its high amounts of magnesium and potassium, it adds weight to stool and absorbs fluids that may contain toxins, relieving stomach discomfort and cramping.

If you’re having stomach pains or diarrhea, try carefully eating half a cup of plain, well-cooked rice. It’s advisable to wait at least a couple of hours following the last vomiting incident. This can be done for another 24–48 hours until diarrhea ceases.

Rice is also included in the BRAT diet, which is frequently recommended by doctors.

Water made from coconuts

Potassium and magnesium are abundant in coconut water. These nutrients can assist with muscular spasms, cramps, and stomach discomfort.

Coconut water is also good for rehydrating and is a healthier alternative to most sports drinks because it is low in calories, sugar, and acidity.

Slowly drinking up to 2 glasses of coconut water every 4–6 hours may help to alleviate stomach distress.

Bananas are high in folate, potassium, and vitamin B6. Cramping, aches, and muscular spasms can all be relieved with these nutrients. Bananas can also aid in the relief of diarrhea by adding bulk to loose stools.

Adults’ painful Stomach ache Treatment

Carol Der Sarkissian, MD performed a medical review on May 12, 2021.

If you find yourself in the following situations, dial 911.

You have a fever or are vomiting, and the stomach discomfort is in your lower right abdomen and is sensitive to the touch. These symptoms might indicate appendicitis.

You’re throwing up blood.

do you have trouble breathing?

You’re expecting a child and are experiencing stomach pains or vaginal bleeding.

Medications available over-the-counter

Medicines containing the chemical simethicone (Mylanta, Gas-X) can help relieve gas discomfort.

An antacid or acid reducer can help with heartburn caused by gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) (Pepcid AC, Zantac 75).

A moderate stool softener or laxative might help get things flowing again if you’re constipated.

Medicines containing lope amide (Imodium) or bismuth subsalicylate (Kaopectate or Pepto-Bismol) may help relieve diarrhea cramps.

Acetaminophen (Aspirin Free Anacin, Liquiprin, Panadol, Tylenol) may be useful for different forms of pain. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Midol, Motrin), and others should be avoided.

Homeopathic Treatments

To relieve stomach pain, you might use a heated pad. Gas can be relieved by drinking chamomile or peppermint tea. Make sure you consume lots of clear drinks to keep your body hydrated.

You can also take steps to reduce the likelihood of stomach ache. It can assist with:

Instead of three large meals, eat many smaller ones.

Slowly and thoroughly chew your food.

Avoid meals that because your stomach discomfort (spicy or fried foods, for example)

Exercise, meditation, or yoga can help you relax.

When Should You See a Doctor.

If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, it’s time to seek medical attention:

  • You experience terrible stomach discomfort that lasts for many days.
  • You’ve been sick with nausea and fever for many days and haven’t been able to eat.
  • Your stools are bloody.
  • Peeing hurts.
  • Your pee contains blood.
  • You won’t be able to pass stools, especially if you’re vomiting.
  • In the days leading up to the onset of the discomfort, you experienced a stomach injury.
  • You experience heartburn that isn’t relieved by over-the-counter medications and lasts more than two weeks.

What are stomach ache causes discomfort in the upper stomach?

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Children and adults alike suffer from stomach aches. The upper intestines, gallbladder, liver, and pancreas are among the important organs housed in the upper stomach. While some causes of upper stomach discomfort, such as gas or stomach infection, are not serious, others may necessitate medical attention.

Upper stomach discomfort can be caused by a variety of factors. In many situations, one ailment might lead to the development of another. Ulcers, for example, can induce indigestion, while gallstones can cause liver damage.

In the intestines and digestive tract, gas is a normal occurrence. When this gas builds up, it might make you feel bloated, full, or pressured.

Gas pain

It can be excruciating due to an illness, virus, diarrhea, or constipation.

It’s possible that gas is to blame if:

The abdominal discomfort comes in waves.

The stomach swells as a result of the abdominal discomfort.

Something feels like it’s moving around in my tummy.

There is burping or gas passing.

A person is suffering from diarrhea or constipation.

In the intestines and digestive tract, gas is a normal occurrence. When this gas builds up, it might make you feel bloated, full, or pressured.

Gas pain can be excruciating due to an illness, virus, diarrhea, or constipation.

If the discomfort occurs in waves, it might be due to gas.

The stomach swells as a result of the discomfort.

Something feels like it’s moving around in my tummy.

There is burping or gas passing.

A person is suffering from diarrhea or constipation.


Indigestion is characterized by a burning sensation in the upper stomach, as well as in the mouth and throat. The stomach discomfort might possibly be coming from your chest.

Dyspepsia is the medical word for indigestion. It generally occurs when the stomach has too much acid, which can occur after eating very acidic meals.

Indigestion can also be caused by a stomach ulcer, acid reflux, or even stomach cancer. Frequent, excruciating indigestion that is accompanied by unexplained weight loss might indicate a more serious problem.

Temporary dyspepsia can be effectively treated with over-the-counter medications. Identifying triggers, such as particular meals, might assist a person in adopting a healthier lifestyle.

People who have frequent or severe indigestion should consult a doctor about how to manage their symptoms or find out what’s causing them.


It is a condition in which the stomach lining swells and becomes uncomfortable.

Acute gastritis is a kind of gastritis that develops fast and is caused by a bacterial infection, such as Helicobacter pylori bugs.

Chronic gastritis is caused by irritants that irritate the stomach lining.

Chronic gastritis can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel illness that affects
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • sarcoidosis
  • allergies
  • People with weaker immune systems are more susceptible to viruses.

Bacterial infections are generally treated with antibiotics. Diagnosing and treating the underlying cause of persistent gastritis can assist.

Reducing stomach acid by eating a less acidic diet or using medicines can also assist many people. Pain relievers come in a variety of forms.

Muscle ache

Many muscles run all the way up to the upper stomach. Temporary pain in the upper abdomen might be caused by a minor muscular injury or spasms.

Gentle massage and relaxation can frequently help relieve abdominal discomfort. Cold and hot packs are also helpful for certain persons.

Consult a doctor if your muscular discomfort is severe or does not improve after a few days.


Gallstones are cholesterol or bilirubin-based hard forms that can form in the gallbladder. They don’t typically create issues, although they can occasionally obstruct a bile duct.

A gallstone obstruction can produce severe stomach discomfort in the upper right stomach, as well as nausea, tiredness, and weariness.

Gallstones that aren’t addressed can cause problems with the liver and pancreas. A person may get jaundice, or yellowing of the skin and eyes, as a result of this, or they may develop a severe pancreatic infection.

Alternatively, a physician may give medicine to dissolve the stones.

If gallstones pass on their own, a doctor may prescribe lifestyle modifications to minimize the chance of recurrence, such as increased exercise or a lower-fat diet.

Obstruction of the bowels

The intestines are blocked by a bowel obstruction, making it difficult or impossible for anything to pass through. Intense discomfort, constipation, and trouble digesting and absorbing meals are all possible side effects.

Symptoms of a bowel blockage, in addition to stomach discomfort, include:

severe cramps, vomiting bile, a greenish-yellow material, a bloated stomach, difficulty to pass gas or have a bowel movement

Because the intestine might rupture or become badly infected, a bowel blockage is a medical emergency. Medications, fluids, and pain medications are frequently effective. A surgeon may be required to remove the obstruction in some situations.

Pain on the left side of your abdomen (abdomen)

It is a frequent symptom that can suggest a number of different diseases. Although pain is never normal, it is not necessarily dangerous.

One of the organs in your left abdomen is generally the source of pain in that area of your body. The following organs on the left side of your abdomen may produce pain:

  • Pancreas
  • a section of the stomach
  • This is a section of the small intestine.
  • The colon’s left side and descending portion
  • Kidney on the left side
  • Women’s left ovary and fallopian tube

Left-Sided Abdominal Pain: Types and Symptoms

Pain on the left side of your abdomen might last for a short period of time (acute pain) or for a long period of time (chronic pain) (chronic pain). The pain may begin in one location and then spread (radiate) to another. The abdominal discomfort might be severe or mild.

Other symptoms you’re having in addition to the pain might help you figure out what’s causing it. Nausea, cramps, diarrhea, fever, and constipation are some of the symptoms.

The following are some of the most common causes of left-sided stomach pain:

  • Stomach ulcers or stomach inflammation (gastritis). This might result in acute or persistent discomfort in the left upper abdomen. Nausea and vomiting are two more symptoms. 
  • Pancreatic cancer or inflammation (pancreatitis). This might produce abdominal discomfort in the pancreas’ left upper portion. Pancreatic cancer creates a more gradual and dull discomfort. Nausea, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes), and weight loss are some of the symptoms.
  • Cramping discomfort in the lower left abdomen is a symptom of several diseases. Changes in bowel habits, weight loss, fever, blood or mucus in the stool, and pain when pushing on the lower abdomen are all possible signs. A malignancy or illness that causes the colon to become obstructed.
  • Inflammation of the small intestine or cancer. Changes in bowel habits, lack of appetite, cramps, gas, bloating, and blood or mucus in the stool are all symptoms of this condition.
  • Swelling around the heart or a heart attack (pericarditis). These heart diseases can induce left-sided upper abdomen discomfort. Other signs and symptoms include sharp chest discomfort and trouble breathing. You may also have weakness, a cough, and excessive sweating.

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